Batman Arkham Asylum Unboxing.

Ok so here we have it our first ever piece of video content! It’s an unboxing of the PS3 Collectors Edition of the eagerly anticipated Batman Arkham Asylum.

Overall I am very disappointed with the quality of this product, as mentioned in the video the UK seems to have been shafted in a number of areas. Firstly the hard plastic bat shaped box is missing, secondly the leather pouch for the character biographies isn’t present and finally and the most annoying the cardboard sleeve with the actual game boxart etc… isn’t there. Instead you get a crappy wood effect DVD (not even Bluray!) shaped insert minus the sleeve! This thing really isn’t worth the money so do yourself a favour and save the pennies.


  1. Even if you wasted money on the Special Edition, at least you made be chuckle in the process of opening that piece of crap.

  2. HA ha Ha Ha ha hA ha hAH! Dunno why but i enjoyed that video!

  3. Nice to know you got amusement out of me getting ripped off..

  4. Sorry to hear about your wasted money but damn that video was funny!

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